Register Citizen Corrections Policy
The Register Citizen strives for accuracy in the news stories and other content that are published on RegisterCitizen.Com and in its print edition.
We are committed to correcting all errors that come to our attention, and encourage readers, story sources and the community at-large to point them out to us.
Errors can be brought to our attention in a number of ways, including contacting the reporter who wrote the story in question by email or phone, or contacting Editor John Berry at or 860-489-3121, ext. 333, Managing Editor Emily M. Olson at or 860-489-3121, ext. 334, or Group Editor Matt DeRienzo at
Readers can also use the "Fact Check" form that appears at the bottom of every story that we publish on RegisterCitizen.Com. You can report errors anonymously, or provide an email and/or other contact information so that we can confirm receipt and/or action on the matter, and ask you to clarify if necessary.
We believe that no correction is too small to deserve our attention, and so we urge readers to notify us of everything from clear errors in fact, to misspelling of names, to improper or missing context that leads to a misrepresentation of the issue being discussed.
We strive to correct errors in our reporting as quickly as possible, and in several ways.
If a story has appeared both online and in print, we will print a correction in both places. Our Corrections box in the print edition of The Register Citizen appears on our daily editorial page. Our Corrections page online is at RegisterCitizen.Com/news/corrections.
Because we are able to edit stories online after they are initially published, we will do so to fix the information that was wrong. But we will also list a note at the bottom of the story marked "CORRECTION" that points out what was changed from the earlier version of the story. That correction note will also appear at RegisterCitizen.Com/news/corrections.
Online and in print, we believe that corrections should repeat the error and then report what the correct information is so that readers get the full picture of how our reporting and/or editing went wrong.
We can't guarantee a mistake-free newspaper and website, but we can pledge to be transparent about how we deal with and correct mistakes. That is the goal of this corrections policy and corrections page. If you feel points are missing from this policy, please contact Group Editor Matt DeRienzo at with your suggestions.
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