Thursday, May 30, 2013

Error in Goshen budget article

In the May 30 edition of The Register Citizen, a story incorrectly stated that the Goshen fund balance was nearly $10.7 million, when in fact that was the town’s budget amount. The actual fund balance, going into the budget proposal, was $1,491,000.
Also, due to the effect of the town’s recent revaluation on property values, taxpayers will only be affected by a roughly 1.4 mill increase to their taxes, or $1,640 for a property assessed at $100,000, rather than $1,920 as previously reported.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Error in article about case surrounding Thomas "TJ" Zappulla death

In an article published on May 19, 2013 about a court case surrounding the death of Thomas J. “TJ” Zappulla, a quote about the defense council not giving an indication of whether the case will proceed to trial was incorrectly attributed to Coos County Public Defender John Garrison. It was actually stated by Attorney John McCormack.

Error in police pursuit article

In an article published May 18, 2013  about Torrington schools being put on lockdown during a police pursuit, a paragraph incorrectly stated that four schools were locked down. In reality, five schools were in lockdown, including Forbes, Vogel Wetmore, Southwest, Head Start, and St. Peter/St. Francis.

Error in Project Graduation article

An article published May 17, 2013 incorrectly stated that Project Graduation for the Torrington High School class of 2013 was selling yard signs that read, “Class of 2013, So Done,” when in fact they read “Congratulations Class of 2013.”

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Error in story about student stealing mailbox from assistant principal

In a May 6 story about a Litchfield High School student accused of stealing an assistant principal's mailbox, the story indicated that Crane admitted to taking the mail box himself, while in fact he admitted to driving to the house so his friend, a juvenile who hasn't been identified because of his age, could steal the mailbox.