Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Incorrect use of 'blackout' in power outage story

An article published on Feb. 24, 2014 incorrectly referred to two days of power outages in Litchfield and Morris as a blackout. The towns did not have total power failure throughout the weekend but rather a series of power outages.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Article incorrect on action taken at meeting

An article on Feb. 20 incorrectly stated that the Litchfield Board of Education voted down the Bring Your Own Device policy during its Wednesday meeting. The policy for students remains in place as the board was only voting on an amendment. The previous article also incorrectly stated that board member Gayle Carr had seen students watch pornography on school-provided devices, when in fact she has only been aware of it but has not seen it in person or allowed it to happen in her presence.


Incorrect titles in article

An article published Tuesday incorrectly stated that Michael Renzullo was the chairman of Winsted’s Charter Revision Committee when he is in fact a board member. The chairman is Karen Beadle.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Incorrect pricing listed for Burlington Gym

In a story with the headline “Gym looks to serve those 40 and older” posted on RegisterCitizen.com Feb 18 and on page A3 of the Feb. 19 Register Citizen, the pricing of membership for the gym was listed incorrectly. The actual prices are $89 initial start-up fee, essentials membership at $147 per month and the customized membership at $150 per month, not per year as originally reported.