Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Incorrect event title

An article that ran on Aug. 25 incorrectly referred to an event as New Hartford’s 17th Annual Peach Fest, when in fact the event was the North Congregational Church’s 17th Annual Peach Fest and Craft Show, which took place in New Hartford.

Incorrect article headline

An article headline that ran on Aug. 28 incorrectly stated that New Hartford Democrats were hosting a corn roast on Aug. 31, when it is in fact the town Republican committee that is hosting the event.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Incorrect statistic in article about homeless students in Connecticut

In a previous version of Connecticut struggles to identify homeless students;  Torrington count rising, and in the Sunday, Aug. 25 print edition, an incorrect statistic was cited stating that the Partnership for Strong Communities estimates roughly 13,000 homeless youth in the state. The group said it cannot give an accurate estimate of homeless students in Connecticut, but that it believes the number to be much higher than what the school reports show.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Error in Winsted Sterling Sintered Technologies tour story

In a story on Sen. Richard Blumenthal's tour of Winsted business Sterling Sintered Technologies, John Bartram was incorrectly identified as the company's president. He is the company's quality engineer. The information was incorrect in a press release about the tour.

Name misspelled

In the story "Torrington Democrats hold meet-the-candidates picnic, fundraiser," Board of Education candidate Jeremy Hinman's name was spelled incorrectly. It is Hinman, not Hinmen.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Error in Torrington High School article

An article in the Aug. 21 edition of The Register Citizen regarding a new Torrington High School Athletic Department handbook incorrectly said that Torrington’s student-athletes would face new social media limits as of that evening. However, the policy is preliminary and still must be approved by the Torrington Board of Education.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Error in photo caption

In a story in the Aug. 8 Register Citizen, "Officer Promotions: Law, fire department members promoted during board of public safety meeting," a caption incorrectly identified the woman pinning Sgt. Dustin Baldis as his aunt, Donna Yeakley, when in fact it was Baldis' wife Tracy Baldis. Yeakley was in the audience.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Error in e-recording story

In the Aug. 7 issue of the Register Citizen, in a story titled “E-recordings to save time, money for city clerk’s office” it was incorrectly reported that the city clerk’s office was switching to an electronic recording service for land documents. The service, Simplifile, is meant to be an added feature, not replace the entire recording process, as recording will still be made via mail and in-person.

The online version has also been corrected.